
Here we’ve provided a list of the most common questions asked by visitors to our website. If you can’t find what your looking for here please contact

How much does it cost ?

Well how long is a piece of string ?, this really depends on what you are taking and how much packing is involved, our prices vary anything from about £500 upwards and depend on how much you have, where it’s going and how much storage that you require.

We can’t give fixed prices as everyone’s home is different,  We will shortly be adding a quote form to the site for you to print and then send back to us, in the meantime please contact us and we will arrange to provide you with a quotation

How long does it take ?

By road it takes normally 4-5 working days from warehouse to warehouse plus the time either end for packing/unpacking and transport we normally say to people it takes around 7-10 days door to door although in practice the transit time can be much quicker. One important point to note is that the road trains do not normally operate during the month of August

How much notice do you need ?

Ideally as much as possible although normally at least a week, during certain periods the packers can be very busy so this is normally the deciding factor. If you want a specific date we suggest you book at least a month in advance to guarantee we can cover the date you require. Remember Fridays and month end’s are the busiest. If you are doing the packing yourself then normally 24-48 hours notice is sufficient but check with us first

What works in Spain

Take a look at our what works and what doesn’t page


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