Customer Benefits

Our aim is to keep you as a customer for life. We won't just move you down to  the Costa Blanca we are here to support and assist you and help you settle in to your new home.

Each client is assigned a unique client ID number, this identifies you to us and you use it whenever you need us to do something.

You can have things delivered to our hub at Colnbrook and by quoting your  client ID we will automatically ship goods to your home address. This allows your friends and relatives to send things down to you, maybe you want to order  things via the internet and have a way of having the goods shipped to you.

We can also arrange things for you before you arrive in Spain. For instance  you may need security grilles and an alarm, possibly electrical items fitted or  a security fence erected.  You may want your British TV chipped and a reception system installed.

We can do all of the above, using our approved contractors at agreed rates making you move as painless as possible.

Our interpreter can assist you with registration at the town hall and help you to arrange such things as getting your phone connected and registration with  a local doctor.

Just let us know what you need - we are here to help

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